jeudi 7 novembre 2013

Reprise 2013-2014. Séance du 14 novembre 2013

Le Groupe de Travail reprend ses activités. Pour le premier semestre de l'année 2013-2014, les séances auront lieu le jeudi. Un prochain billet donnera toutes les informations.

Le GdT reprend dès le 14 novembre (la semaine prochaine) avec

Structures and Properties
Matthieu Gallais

Résumé :
In order to define the notion of compatibility between fictional models and target systems, not only the properties, but also the second-order relations between those properties need to be preserved.
According to the structuralist view of models, a target system is compatible with a model if there is an isomorphism mapping between their structures.
But an isomorphism is just a structural identity that ensures that all the properties in a structure have a counterpart in the other structure, not that it is the same property.
Then, in which sense is a property of a model-object linked to a property of real object?