mardi 9 novembre 2010

Séance du 12 novembre

Comme annoncé précédemment, nous recevrons Maxime Morge (SMAC-LIFL/Lille 1) pour cette première séance du GdT.

Lieu et horaire : Salle Corbin, 12/11/2010 - 13h-15h.

Dialectical Argumentation for Multiagent Technologies

Abstract :
Argumentation provides a powerful deliberative and dialectical model for interacting, decision-making agents to assess the validity of received information and to resolve conflicts and differences of opinion. It is an essential ingredient of decision-making, inter-agent communication and negotiation. Since they were introduced the computational models of argumentation are considered as suitable for representing and handling the conflicts in MAS. The aim of this seminar is to introduce the Dung's calculus of opposition and its recent extensions where agents have different preferences. Then, the seminar reviews assumption-based argumentation frameworks which are concrete frameworks built upon deductive systems. Finally, the course demonstrates some argumentation technologies as CaSAPI or MARGO.

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